The DynaVision* is used to train dynamic visual skills such as eye-hand coordination, peripheral awareness, visual reaction time etc. As such, this training is suitable for sports that are dynamic in nature. The DynaVision is the most effective tool available because each exercise forces the athlete to use most, and sometimes all, of the visual skills at once, and therefore provides a good indication of their ability to perform multiple sensory-motor tasks simultaneously. Athletes must not only recognize the existence of a peripheral stimulus, but also judge the exact location of the stimulus and react physically to it without losing their concentration on a key target.
* DynaVision is a trademark of Dynavision International.
The Senaptec Strobe is designed to train the connections between an individual's eyes, brain, and body. Using liquid crystal technology, the lenses flicker between clear and opaque, removing visual information and forces the individual to process more efficiently. The Senaptec Strobe can be integrated into existing training drills and exercises.
The Sensory Station is a sensory evaluation and training device that measures 10 visual and sensorimotor skills
How clearly you see distant details.
How accurately you judge differences in contrast.
How accurately you judge depth information at distance.
How quickly you change attention between distances.
How quickly you visually acquire critical information.
How quickly your hand reacts to a visual signal.
How accurately you track objects moving in space with distractions.
How rapidly you visually shift and recognize a peripheral target.
How quickly your hand responds to changing targets.
How quickly and accurately you make decisions and react in pressure situations.
The Generation 5 FITLIGHT TRAINER is used by sports scientists, athletic trainers, coaches, teachers, doctors and physical therapists to improve and measure speed and agility; reduce response and reaction times; sharpen visual processing and tracking; increase overall strength and stamina; and last but not least, enhance spatial awareness.
The Generation 5 FITLIGHT TRAINER is a multi-purpose, light-reaction training system designed to develop, and measure, visual, cognitive, and motor skills, with an emphasis to spatial awareness. Wireless technology is used to establish bi-directional communications between the Android Tablet based FIT-Controller™, and up to 32 portable FITLIGHTS™. The FITLIGHTs are sophisticated motion and impact sensors, with built in stop watches, which transmit timing and completion data to the FIT-Controller for display and storage. When running any FITLIGHT TRAINER sequence or protocol, the FIT-Controller’s job is to activate (turn on) the FITLIGHTS. Whether athlete, PE student, or patient, the participant’s job is to react to, move to, and deactivate (turn off) the FITLIGHTS. The FITLIGHTS’s job is to generate the timing data for these activations and deactivations and transmit them back to the FIT-CONTROLLER.